Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wish us all good luck.


Tomorrow we travel to Charlottesville to the UVa Hospital for Sean to have surgery.  From what I’ve been promised told, it’s a simple procedure, but I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t extremely nervous. 

Not only does our little guy have to be sedated and ‘go under the knife’ they expect him to go without food or milk from midnight to post surgery, surgery is at noon.  The little man doesn’t go more than five hours at night without waking to fill his tummy and they expect him to go 12 hours plus with 8 oz. of water.  Aargh. If I sound a little stressed, it’s because I am. 

Here’s to hoping that all goes well and he makes it through the hospital’s attempt to starve him and his surgery.  It would have been nice of them to prescribe something.  For at least his parents. 

I’m only joking because I am so worried I could collapse from all my fears.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sometimes, she surprises even me.



Though not as enamored by Sean as Cooper is, Bailey is still a tremendous big sister.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Our little monkey.


I need to learn how to take action shots or I will never capture Cooper adequately in a photo.

Always going at full speed a head with a smile on his face.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Number 3


I am constantly amazed at how breathtaking and miraculous Sean is.

Now and forever, I am your biggest fan little man.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Our little Lady
















Last Christmas Bailey got a most adorable outfit from Gymboree courtesy of her Aunt and Uncle.  It was a cute dress with matching stockings; size 18 months.  Bailey being a wee little thing has just now grown into the dress, over a year later.  Just last Wednesday she wore the tights for the first time and unfortunately, the last time.  Within minutes of playing at Romp and Roll she had torn holes in the tights by rolling down a padded incline and getting caught on some Velcro.  The holes, being quite small, wouldn’t have had to be the end of the tights.  However, on the car ride home our little lady spent her time in her car seat to see to it that the holes were increased…about ten times over.  When I was getting her out of her car seat all she replied was “I did it, Mommy.” 

I decided to snap a few pictures of the tights as I have a feeling Bailey is going to take after me when it comes to dresses, and our little girl in dresses may be a dwindling occurrence.