Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Silly Blogger
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Undercover Monkey
Once upon a time, a few days ago, in Bedroomland, Cooperman and Baileygirl heard a rumor that the Monkey King was planning something terrible. So to find out what he was up to they decided that one of them should go undercover to the Zoo where the Monkey King was being held. Cooperman (the obvious choice for the job) sprang into action.
Baileygirl waited patiently outside.
"Maybe it is," Cooperman thought. "What do you have in mind?"
"Well, while you were Monkeying around, I went ahead and ordered us some new race cars."
"This is awesome! See you later lion."
"I could use a little help here," Baileygirl shouted. "You are supposed to be the strong one aren't you?"
"You handled that alright," Baileygirl said. "Did you have to squish him?"
"Hey, he's not attacking you anymore is he?"
"I think the car is O.K., but we're almost to the Jungle Fortress, so I'm going to walk the rest of the way."
Because Baileygirl didn't have a monkey suit she had to wait with the cars, again.
"Hey, this gives me an idea."
"I made it. So this is the Monkey King's Jungle Fortress."
"I wish he'd hurry up in there."
"I know what the Monkey King is up to," reports Cooperman.
"Good," Bailey girl says. "I'm getting hungry."
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I've Been Tagged? Me? Really?
10 Years ago:
- My last name was Vernon.
- I had a huge crush on a musician friend of mine.
- I was still in high school.
- I was driving an '89 Pontiac Sunbird and loving it.
- I had a job as a cashier at a Winn-Dixie grocery store.
Things on Today's To Do List:
- Wash somewhere between 10 and 190 bottles.
- Go walking with Sherrie and Dakota.
- Review 10 movies, I am falling behind.
- Visit with Grandma Pam and Great-Grandma Lois.
- Kiss Bailey 857 times and Cooper at least half that many times before they ask me never to kiss them again because their friends can see us, I fear that will be here before I know it.
My Favorite Snacks:
- Cherry Coke
- Potato Chips of almost every variety
- Soft Pretzels
- Strawberry Oreos
- Chocolate Fiber One Bars
If I had a Million Dollars:
- I would have a million kids or at least a half dozen more.
- Travel to Ireland.
- Buy a jet to visit Arizona on a bi-weekly basis.
- Buy a Nikon D3.
- I know you all are waiting for me to say something really interesting but I would probably just invest the money and watch my money make more money, pay off debt, donate to charities and buy Baby Gap items even when they were not on SALE!!!
Places I have lived:
- Raleigh, North Carolina
- Cary, North Carolina
- Monroe, Virginia
- Lynchburg, Virginia
- Evington, Virginia
I tag: Erin, Ricky, Ivy, and Jaidyn (it's about time she gets a blog, don't you guys think?)
oh, and Todd, definitely Todd.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Labor Day Weekend: Sunday
The year that we moved to Hunters Mill several families got together and threw a block party for the entire neighborhood. It was held on Sunday evening and everyone brought a dish. There was a band and free water and soft drinks. I loved the idea as we had just moved here in April and didn't know a lot of the people who lived around us. We brought candy apple salad and NO ONE ate it and then they threw it away so every year since we have brought Potato Salad...from Sam's. Every year it grows and they encourage family and friends to attend. This year we brought my Grandmother, Father, Sister, Nephew and Brother-in-law.