Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Guess Who Woke Up 7 Months Old Today?

That's right! Coop and Bailey. I can't believe how quickly the last seven months have gone by and before I know it or want to believe it they will be celebrating their first birthday.

Coop is pulling up and standing every chance he gets, the boy wants to walk so badly. He reminds me of his Daddy almost every minute, how he has so much energy and is so happy. He also has a thing for pulling hair.

Bailey is a sweet little girl who smiles at me often but saves her laughs for Daddy. Maybe just to make me jealous. She is crawling and loves the exersaucer but she isn't in the hurry that her brother seems to be in to get to walking. She loves her thumb and anything resembling a blankie.

They are eating more and more solid (if you really can call them that) foods and just the other day they had Ziti for the first time. Sippy cups are more fun to drop than hold and high chairs are only for eating.

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